Usually around this time of year, we all start to see 2015 trend reports issues from all manner of agencies and consultancies. The idea is to highlight what that particular firm finds interesting, thereby reinforcing its thought leadership in the area(s) important to its business. All well and good, right? There’s no lack of reports from expert sources. Just check out sites like PSFK, Trendwatching, Sparks & Honey, Forrester, or The Altimeter Group. Believe me, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
I’m going to do something slightly different. Rather than issue my own “X trends for 2015” report, I thought it would be more interesting to survey you, my community. The fact is, for all of the reports issued above, there are a ton more smart people who, for a variety of reasons, don’t publicize what looks exciting to them in the coming year. These are the folks I want to hear from.
So, in addition to developments in contemporary culture (the new competitive advantage that includes the creative arts, as well as how we communicate and behave), what’s interesting to you in marketing and business (I’m defining this broadly to include technology, economics, policy, etc)?
So, what’s this have to do with my report? Like I said, I’m interested in highlighting what developments are exciting to you for the coming year. Here’s how it’ll work.
- Fill out the form below. Pick one (1) idea/trend that’s you’re really excited about. Just one.
- Pick a category for it. I’ve given you three (3) choices: marketing, business or contemporary culture.
- Name your trend/idea.
- Give me 250 words on why you think it’s important or what’s exciting to you about it.
- Once you’ve submitted your form, EMAIL ME YOUR HEADSHOT at hello [AT] robfields [DOT] com. This is really important.
- Get your responses in NO LATER THAN Friday,
December 16December 19. - If I need clarification on your answers, I will contact you via email. If you don’t hear from me, assume that what you submitted was fine.
I’ll publish the report the week of January 5, 2015.
You game? If so, here’s the form: