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Black Arts Organizations & End-of-Year Giving

...uminal Theater National Black Theatre Classical Theatre of Harlem The New Black Fest Studio Museum Harlem–give...
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VIDEO: Weeksville on doesn’t solve our problems, but it gives us room to breathe and plan for how to come out of this situation as a stronger, more stable institution. That’s the next thing we have to work on. More to come. In the meantime, enjoy the video! Shout outs to, especially producer and editor Peter Rickards and cinematographer Santiago Garcia for the incredible video...

Digital Music Forum: Michael Robertson founder of

...on music was the nail in the coffin for DRM music from Best Buy or Lockersync: Autosyncing.  Anytime you download a song, it gets zapped to your locker.  His device is connected to that locker. Demos his autoplay.  With the creation of playmix, you can create a radio type experience.  Now, is he building a business on the backs of the intellectual property of others? Here’s how he uses personal locker. Same level of security as banks N...
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Now on The Huffington Dash’s Blakroc disses black rock

...three years championing on my blog. The conflation of the two is offensive. There’s too much history there. It’s like he’s acknowledging the existence of black rock with his middle finger. Read more at: Read the full article here. If you’re inclined to share your thoughts on this subject, please do so over at the HuffPo....
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Now On Culture As Competitive Advantage

...rand- and business-building is the same as deciding that you’re okay with being at a competitive disadvantage. When I talk about “culture,” I mean the world happening outside the company’s walls. It’s the thing Wikipedia defines as the way of life for an entire society, including codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior and systems of belief. It’s how we make deep and lasting meaning. But meanings change because cult...
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Now on "Black Rock Rolls On"

...electro artist Ebony Bones, and innovative DJ and sound sculptor CX Kidtronik, but the main draw is the Black Rock Coalition’s flagship band, Living Colour. It’s a meeting of the trailblazers and the new jacks, all coming together under the flag of black rock. And it’s all happening at a time when black rock is gaining momentum as a cultural force. Check out the full article on The photo gallery is here....

2008: The year of the digital download? PROMO Magazine, over "a third of brand and agency executives say their companies now offer customers free digital downloads as a promotional incentive." Some stats: Half of the respondents were unsure of how music or ringtones could be leveraged to promote their products Nearly 60% felt they weren’t leveraging digital media effectively Metrics remain a barrier to greater adoption, since nearly half are looking for alternate means to track loya...
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Now on Rock is Black Music, Too!

...ider black music. Every significant moment in America’s history has been accompanied by its own soundtrack. And black musicians have often written the music and the lyrics. But what’s our soundtrack now? The music industry has imposed the same low expectations on black artists and black life that politicians and pundits have imposed on black folks with respect to education, business and simply managing our daily lives. And we’ve let it happen. The...
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Now on "Window Seat" or Much Badu About Nothing

Around the internet, folks have been buzzing about Erykah Badu's latest video "Window Seat," in which the singer strips naked as she strolls through downtown Dallas. And the reviews, from what I've seen, have been mostly positive, with many people praising Badu for her bravery. It was riveting to see this black woman's progress down a Dallas street. The gauzy, Zapruder-style filmmaking gave it a languid, dreamlike quality that had the...’s 50 Best Web sites

...ularly is Imeem (#31), and I just added TinyURL (#8) to my toolbar after seeing it on the list.  I visit UrbanDictionary (#9) only occasionally.  Interesting that MySpace isn’t on the list.  Like Max, I, too, found it noteworthy that Google isn’t, either.  However, I think that has more to do with Google’s ubiquity vs. any lack of popularity.  What I mean is that (almost) everyone uses Google, so we think about it as much as we think about how coo...
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Now on Loud and In Living Colour

...r label executive Lisa Cortes, who is also the executive producer of the upcoming film Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire “And we need to see possibility that is successful. Possibility that has both indie cred, commercial success and has been internationally accepted. Their entrée into all of those places is so important. They’ve made a really important contribution by speaking to the realization of imagination and possibility.” Read t...
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Remembering Michael K. Williams (1966-2021)

...t us in the prime of their lives recently: Rappers DMX, Shock-G of Digital Underground, Biz Markie and Zumbi of Zion-I; photographer Chi Modu, music producer Chucky Thompson; and Craig “Mums” Grant, another talented actor and poet. We’re not supposed to be leaving here in our 50s. Michael’s death is a sobering reminder, too, that we’re all fighting demons of one sort or another, and sometimes those demons win. I wrote on IG that “Smiles are flashe...