The 2013 Havas Meaningful Brands Index (Infographic)

I’ve been on the road since Tuesday when this latest iteration of the Meaningful Brands Index was released.  That said, this is still worth checking out.  Havas’s Meaningful Brands Index (MBi) measures the the extent to which people feel brands bring benefits to our lives.  This brings to mind some of what John Gerzema talked about, which was the growing importance of the CSR function, i.e., brands doing good.

One of the most astounding findings:  If you compare the US results vs. the global results, there’s an even higher percentage of people who feel brands aren’t providing meaningful value.  According to the US results, respondents wouldn’t care if 92% of brands disappeared vs. the global respondents who wouldn’t care if 73% disappeared.

Read more about the Havas Meaningful Brands Index here.


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